Life cycle assessment

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology for assessing the environmental impact associated with all stages of a product, process, or service's life cycle. For instance, the environmental impact of industrial production is assessed from the extraction and processing of raw materials, the manufacturing, distribution, and use of the product, to the recycling or final disposal of its materials (from cradle to grave).

Within this methodology, it is possible to assess various environmental impact categories and aspects related to the life cycle of a product, process, or service—such as greenhouse gas emissions (carbon footprint), ozone-depleting substances, phosphates, and other pollutants, water consumption (water footprint), renewable and non-renewable energy resources, the use of secondary materials in production, as well as other aspects that are prioritized by the company and its stakeholders.

Receiving a service


Please submit your request in a free form, specifying:

  • The service of interest
  • Organization's name
  • Main type of organization's activity (manufacturer, distributor, exporter, other)
  • Clarification of the subject of LCA—product, service
  • Purpose of conducting LCA
  • Description of the product or service
  • Brief description of the production of the product (for manufacturers) or provision of the service

to the email d.vadivasov@ciscenter.org


Agree on the timing and cost of the work

We will prepare a commercial proposal and will be happy to arrange a meeting to address any questions.


Conducting life cycle assessment and documentation of the results

To familiarize with the technological processes and gather necessary information for calculations, we send specialists to the production site, after which the following steps are taken:

  • Conducting a life cycle assessment of the product or service based on agreed impact categories or aspects related to the product/service life cycle.
  • Interpreting the life cycle assessment results with an analysis of the most impactful stages of the life cycle.
  • Documenting the results in the form of a report and/or presentation of the life cycle assessment results (agreed upon with you).

Project map
